COMPOSITION: Each 1 ml contains:
Enrofloxacin 50 mg.
“AVITRYL-5 Inj.” is recommended for the treatment of most diseases affecting respiratory, digestive and urogenital tracts, caused by Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria as well as Mycoplasmas and Chlamydia.
Cattle and buffaloes:
Bronchopneumonia (Pasteurella haemolytica, Mycoplasma bovis), haemorrhagic septicaemia, diarrhoea, salmonellosis, urogenital infections, septicaemia, dysentery, skin infection and acute mastitis (E. Coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Mycoplasma agalactiae).
Sheep & goat:
Clostridiosis, (enterotoxemia, black leg and big head diseases) coli-entritis, colibacillosis, acute mastitis, gangrenous mastitis (Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridia perfringens) and infectious agalactia (Mycoplasma agalactia).
Respiratory disease complex, (Pasteurella multocida, Bordtella bronchiseptica and Staphylococcus), coryza, enzootic pneumonia, snuffles, and enteric complex ( E. Coli and Clostridia spp.).
Pet Animals:
Enteritis (Salmonella, klebsiella, Campylobacter and E. Coli), bacterial dermatitis (Staphylococci, Proteus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa), bronchopneumonia, bacterial otitis and urogenital infections.
CRD, CCRD, colibacillosis, salmonellosis, fowl cholera, dermatitis , arthritis and necrotic entritis.
For subcutaneous injection in cattles, buffaloes, goats, dogs, cats, rabbits and poultry and may be given intramuscular in sheep & pigs.
– Cattle, buffaloes, sheep and goats:
1 ml. “AVITRYL – 5 Inj.” per 20 kg. b. wt. daily for 3 successive days
[ 2.5 mg Enrofloxacin per 1 kg live body weigh daily].
– Rabbits & pet animals:
0.1 ml “AVITRYL – 5 Inj.” per 1 kg. b. wt. daily for 3 days,
[ 5 mg Enrofloxacin per 1 kg live body weight daily ]
– Poultry:
0.2 ml “AVITRYL – 5 Inj.” Per 1 kg. b. wt. daily for 3 days,
[ 10 mg Enrofloxacin per / kg body weight daily ].
In severe cases as well as in cases of Pasteurella and Salmonella, treatment can be extended for additional 2 days.
• Cattle: should not be slaughtered within14 days from the last treatment.
• Poultry: should not be slaughtered within 8 days from the last treatment.
• Milk: should not be used within 7 days from the last treatment.
Store at a temperature below 30 C.
Store in a dark place.
20ml, 50ml 100 ml amber glass bottles.