1 ml solution contains 25 mg Toltrazuril
Baycox 2,5% is used for the treatment of coccidiosis in poultry. The most important coccidiosis species of poultry that are under Baycox efficiency
spectrum are:
Chickens : Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria brunetti, Eimeria maxima, Eimeria mivati, Eimeria necatrix, Eimeria tenella.
Turkey : Eimeria adenoides, Eimeria meleagrimitis
Goose : Eimeria anseris, Eimeria truncata
Baycox 2,5°/o acts on all intracellular development stages of Eimeria and on the multiplication phase of schizonts and gametosites. This uniqe characteristics gives an advanced efficency and quick treatment in coccidiosis without supressing natural immunity against coccidiosis.
Administration and dosage
The dosage for treatment of coccidiosis is 7 mg/kg bodyweight for 2 consecutive days. Baycox 2,5% is applied with the drinking water of poultry.
Applications can be made in two ways:
a) Baycox 2,5% can be added to the total daily amount of water of birds and administered for 2 days.
b) For 2 consecutive days, required amount of Baycox 2,5% can be added to the quantity of water that the flock consumes in 8 hours. Clean water should be presented to birds after medicated water is completely consumed. If necessary, treatment can be repeated after 5 days. No incompatibilities of
Baycox has been reported with followed elements:
Antibiotics, growth promoters, anticoccidial feed additives, amoebostats.
1 00 ml and 1.000 ml in plastic bottles