1 ml Legend contains 10 mg Sodium Hyaluronate
Pharmacological information
Hyaluronic Acid is a normal component of joint fluid and cartilage and it serves many functions, one of which is to lubricate the soft tissue structures of the joint and decrease inflammation. In addition to the anti-inflammatory actions, Hyaluronic Acid provides a “protective barrier” over the synovial membrane.
Lameness in horses due to non-infectious arthritis.
Administration and dosage
Legend is applied either intravenously or intra-articularly. The dosage is 2 ml for intra-articular injection and 4 ml for intravenous injection. The treatment can be repeated weekly up to a total of three applications. There are no anti-microbial preservatives. As with any intra-articular injection, a strict aseptic technique must be observed. Horses should be given stall rest after treatment before gradually resuming normal activity.
6 vials of 2 ml or 6 vials of 4 ml in outer carton boxes